

Benefits of using ResNet

How to use ResNet

How to share ResNet

The Links tab (for your friends you care about most)

The sun ☀️ shines when you have more Care Points than the average.
You currently have 2 out of 7 possible links (friends), and overall you have ever used 2 out of your 21 possible lifetime links.

For each link from left to right: name of your link, total score (average of the (shared) category scores), number of links, number of followers, days since last login, number of Care Points, a visual representation of all 7 category scores. If your link has defined a goal it is displayed next to the stars ✨.
Tap on a link to see your link’s detail view.

The link’s detail view

You find all category scores that are shared with you, several buttons and the latest tag (diary entry) of your link in this detail view.

Tap on History to explore past scores and tags. Tap on Quiz to play a quiz game with your link. Tap on Sharing to enter a shared password with your link to write secure messages that even a quantum computer cannot decrypt. Tap on Message to write a message. Tap on Gift to send a gift with Care Points to your link as a sign of appreciation of help you received from your link. Read the whitepaper to understand the Care Points rules. Tap on Mute to stop receiving alerts due to category score changes from your link. And tap on Unlink to turn your link back into a follower.

The Followers tab

This tab shows your followers, from whom you can have more than links.

Tap the + button on the top right to invite your friends by sending them a personalized invite token (a 5-digit code like 4ea27) by email, sms, or your favorite messenger.

Note that you need to wait 0 days until you can invite your first friends. After this first phase you again need to wait to invite more. We recommend to keep the number of friends you follow small. Otherwise, they cannot really rely on you. Read further down about the invite rules.

Tap the checkmark button on the top left if you received an invite token from a friend. When you enter the invite token, you and your friend are following each other.

The Messages tab

Find all messages of your friends, broadcast, reminder, votes, alerts messages on this tab in your inbox.

Tap on the Inbox button on the top left to see the messages that you have sent to your friends.

You can delete messages by swiping from right to left, and mark messages as unread/read by swiping from left to right.

Tap the bell button on the top right to open your alerts and reminders settings, see below.

Alerts and reminders

Use the alert settings to define when you would like to receive an alert message in case one of your friends updates the category scores. This provides you an opportunity to support, to reach out to your friend.

Find several suggested (social) reminders below. This is a key feature of ResNet, since these reminders can help you to reach your goals. Define the frequency of a reminder, share the reminder with some of your friends, add randomness to spice it up 🌶️ and tap the checkmark to promise yourself to stay on track…

You will receive reminder messages at the defined time intervals and each time you can mark whether you are on track (earning some Care Points) or you failed this time.

The Learn tab

The Learn tab is a collection of pages like for example the Advice page, where you find several advice resources for each of the 7 life categories. You can rate them as heaven ☀️, neutral ☁️, or hell ⛈️, and learn from potentially different views of your friends.

On the Help page, you can ask for technical support, provide feedback about the app, and take part in votes about future app developments. The app will continuously be refined over the coming years.

The Insights page will be the science and statistics corner of the app once the app has sufficient users, where we will provide general and personalized insights.

The You tab

Set and update your 7 category scores on the You tab, find guidance for each category further below.

The checkmarks define which categories you share with your links and followers. See how they see you above. The individual sharing settings that you might have defined with a friend have higher priority.

Tap on history to see your past scores and tags (diary entries). Tap on the Save button to save your changes, to update your goal, to define a tag, and optionally attach a picture. The pictures are always private and you can mark each tag as private by tapping the lock symbol.

We recommend updating your scores every 2 weeks. This kind of journaling has proven positive health impacts.

General questions and more…

Tapping on the More button on the top left of the You tab opens the general questions. These questions form the basis for the insights generated by ResNet and shared with you on the Insights page of the Learn tab. Please answer them conscientiously.

Write down the recovery code on a piece of paper and keep it safe, or provide an email address as recovery method.

Finally, read the Whitepaper to understand how you could exchange your Care Points for RNC in one of the 4 future payout phases.

The 7 life categories (subjective view)
The 7 life categories – inspired by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – that you can monitor on ResNet are happiness, love, social, health, work, wealth, income. The score for each category should be considered subjectively and also in a flexible way, for example replacing work by school or personal wealth by family wealth. Updating your categories every two weeks seems to be a good frequency. You can set up a reminder on the “Messages” tab: tap the bell on the top right.
🌈 Happiness
Try to quantify the answer to the question “How are you doing?” asked by a person you trust very much. And also think about more advanced needs like self-actualization. This category is more about medium- and long-term happiness that usually only evolves slowly over time. There are overlaps with the other categories, where happiness might of course be influenced. Do not take it too scientific, but just go with your first gut feeling.
❤️ Love
First identify your main source of love, your partner, your family, or could also be your pet. How do you feel about this relation?
🤝 Social
Social refers to all your social relationships – excluding love from above to avoid double counting – friends, relatives, sports colleagues, work colleagues where it is more than just a pure work relationship.
🍏 Health
Your subjective assessment of how healthy, fit, physically strong you feel.
📆 Work
How satisfied are you with your work environment – excluding salary – think about things that matter to you, work-life-balance, purpose, relationships with work colleagues.
💎 Wealth
How satisfied are you with your current wealth. Try not to compare yourself with others. It is about your subjective view.
💵 Income
How satisfied are you with your income. Again, try not to compare yourself with others, your subjective view is what matters here.
General statistical questions (objective view)
Example: Question Q1 asks how much you are maintaining strong social relationships. Try to compare yourself with other people having the same age, gender, and living in the same country as you do. How do you rank? If you objectively think that you rank higher than 70% of your peers, then provide 7.0 as your answer. It can sometimes of course be difficult to obtain an objective view how one ranks. Just go with your best effort. In case you prefer only using integer values from 0 to 10, tap on the 7.0 to switch between the two modes. Updating the general questions once per year seems to be a good frequency.

At the bottom of the general questions you also find your recovery token. Do write it down on a piece of paper and store it safely. In case you lose your device, you will need to restore your account by using your recovery token. Alternatively, you can provide an email address as recovery method.
Links are the strongest connection you can create on ResNet. Links are the people you care for most and you bring in a high level of commitment to help them out in case they need you. There is an upper limit to how many links you can create in order to ensure that these commitments can be fulfilled. At any given point in time you can only have a maximum of 7 links. You can bilaterally unlink immediately or wait for 49 days to unlink unilaterally. This can free up space for other links. However, you cannot have more than 21 links over your lifetime. Note that unlinking and then linking again counts as a new link. Links are very precious, choose them wisely, they are at the very heart of ResNet.

By tapping on one of your links you will see all the details that are shared with you. And you can provide your link with a name. This name is only stored on your device for data privacy reasons. ResNet wants you to feel safe and protected with and only with your small group of friends.

In case one of your links did reach out to you, offering help, or maybe also just doing you a small favor, you can and should send a gift as a sign of appreciation. ResNet would like to incentivize and measure these acts of help. There are plenty of rules around sending gifts with Care Points, read the whitepaper for further details.
The people that you are following and are following you are presented on a similar dashboard as your links. There are several waiting rules when you can add new contacts to follow, for example you can only start sending out your first 7 invites after 0 days. These rules are there to slow down, carefully think about whom you would like to invite, and these rules also serve as a sort of selection process. You might look up and learn about the marshmallow experiment.
You can send messages – very similar to emails – to your friends on ResNet. Tap on the Inbox button on the top left to switch to the messages that you have sent. Tap the bell on the top right to define your settings when you want to receive alerts from your links and the ones you are following.
Invite rules
Inviting friends to ResNet can be done in three phases.

1. After your registration on ResNet you will have to wait some time (find all current parameters at the bottom of this page) before being allowed to invite your first friends.
2. Then, after every new invite in wave two, you will again have to wait a certain period of time.
3. Finally, after a given number of invites, the time you will have to wait until you are allowed to invite again will increase.
Expiration and waiting times
Invites, following requests and link requests have expiration times. A unilateral unlink request becomes effective after a given time. In the spirit of slowing down, there are also several waiting times after sending messages, updating your categories, etc. Find all current parameters further below.
Rules around Care Points
Finally, there are plenty of rules around how many Care Points you can spend. These rules try to strike a balance between meritocratic principles to fairly reward help and at the same time avoiding divergence of the Care Points distribution. The main incentive – from a perspective of increasing your Care Points – is that for every Care Points transaction there will be a bonus, for example if you send 100 Care Points, the receiver gets 110 Care Points, 10% more. This bonus rewards all transactions and thus the corresponding acts of help and also introduces an inflation in the sense of increasing the average Care Points balance of every user. The bonus rate is set dynamically in order to keep annual inflation at a reasonable level of around 2%. Also, there is a daily bonus of 1 Care Points when you login to ResNet and there are bonus Care Points for many other actions, see below. Note that the Care Points ecosystem has lots of interesting economic aspects, like inflation, initial credits, steering of inequality, basic income, limited possibilities to inherit Care Points, etc. Every new user of ResNet initially receives the average Care Points balance as a credit. Read the whitepaper for further details.
Level 1: Using ResNet regularly, i.e., last login was less than 31 days ago.
Level 2: Having at least 2 links.
Level 3: Having helped at least 3 times, i.e., having received at least 3 gifts.
Level 4: Having received help at least 3 times, i.e., having sent at least 3 gifts.
Level 5: Having provided a Solana address where RNC should be transferred to.
Level 6: Holding at least 1 RNC on the provided Solana address or RNC of a value of at least 1 USD adjusted by GDP per capita of the user’s country.
Level 7a: Not being in the top 1% of Care Points holders.
Level 7b: Not being in the top 1% but being in the top 30% of Care Points holders.
Level 7c: Not being in the top 1% but being in the top 10% of Care Points holders.
Current parameters
Waiting days until first invites can be sent: 0
Number of invites in first wave: 7
Waiting days after each invite in second wave: 3
Number of invites to reach third wave: 49
Waiting days after each invite in third wave: 7
Maximum number of links at the same time: 7
Maximum cumulative number of links over lifetime: 21
Days until invites expire: 21
Days until requests expire: 21
Days until a unilateral unlink request becomes effective: 49
Waiting minutes after categories update: 60
Waiting hours general questions update: 24
Waiting hours sending Care Points per contact: 24
Waiting minutes message per contact: 3
Waiting hours sending feedback: 24
Waiting minutes support questions: 60
Days until account deletion without login: 9999
Days until account deletion warning: 9900
Bonus rate in percent: 50
Daily bonus Care Points for logging in: 1
Bonus for correct quiz answer: 1
Bonus (once in 24 hours) for on track reminder: randomly 0 to 7
Bonus for a new friend that registered: 77
Maximum lifetime net spend ratio (with respect to average balance) to one link: 0.5
Maximum spend ratio (with respect to current balance) in one transaction: 0.25
Maximum spend ratio (with respect to average balance) in one transaction: 0.5
Maximum spend ratio (with respect to current balance) past 365 days: 0.25
Maximum spend ratio (with respect to average balance) past 365 days: 0.5
Basic income ratio between your current balance and average Care Points balance, when basic income fully kicks in and increases your Care Points balance proportional to inflation: 0.3
Suggested annual spend ratio (with respect to current balance): 0.2

Download the whitepaper for more details on these parameters.


What is ResNet?
ResNet is an invite-only app that supports you and your closest friends to improve your 7 life categories. Measure your categories, learn how to improve them over time, and become a coach for your friends. With ResNet, you and your friends can grow together.
Who should I invite to ResNet?
There are several answers depending on your individual views and intentions.

1. In case you would primarily like to help others, invite those that you care for most or those that might be most in need of your help.
2. In case you primarily would like that others help you when you go through difficult times, invite those that you think might be best suited and would be ready to help you. You can also try to think of specific persons for each of the 7 life categories.
3. In case you want to think bigger and would like to help to spread ResNet to make our society more resilient, invite those that you think will be most influential. Do you know people that will probably be very much inspired by the ideas of ResNet and will make it their own?
How is ResNet financed?
Currently, there are very low costs to maintain ResNet and these are privately financed by the two app authors. There are no plans to go away from offering the app for free, no plans for any advertising within the app, and also no plans to sell any data to third parties. In case ResNet lifts off and attracts many new users, which would require more expensive infrastructure, these costs can hopefully be covered by the team’s share of RNC. This is a cryptocurrency (a token on the Solana blockchain) which is connected to the Care Points ecosystem on ResNet in the sense that some randomly chosen users of ResNet will be offered to exchange their Care Points on ResNet into RNC. Price increases of RNC might cover the increased infrastructure costs. Read the whitepaper for more details.
I have bought a new mobile device. How can I transfer the app?
In case your new device uses a backup from your old device, everything should be copied over and you can use ResNet without any interruptions. In case no backup is available, you will need to download ResNet again and enter your recovery token. Without your recovery token you will not be able to restore your account. Also, without a backup you will lose the names of your contacts and all messages, since these are only locally stored on your (old) device. You will need to reach out to your contacts and ask for their names. This is the price for full data privacy.
How is my privacy protected?
No phone numbers, email addresses (unless optionally provided as recovery method for convenience) or names are stored on ResNet and you decide yourself what you want to share with your links and the ones that are following you. This can mean the full spectrum between sharing nothing at all and sharing all your current and past values of the 7 life categories. Best practice is to carefully choose your links and share everything with them, while for your followers you should rather be very restrictive what you share. Under no circumstances you should feel pressure to beautify your seven categories, which happens all too often on common social media platforms. Be honest in your assessments and rather decrease what you share with your followers. ResNet uses randomly generated 21-digit hexadecimal numbers as identifiers. The names of the people you are monitoring on ResNet are only stored on your mobile device, but not on the ResNet server. Messages are only stored on your device after delivery. This approach does imply that you lose all stored names and messages when you lose your mobile device and you do not have a backup.
How can I delete my account and my data?
In case you would like to delete your account, write a support message with the content DELETE ACCOUNT on the “Help” page of the app, or send an email to, providing us with your 21-digit recovery token to identify your account.
Will ResNet really increase resilience in societies?
It certainly works locally within the current small user base. There are many beautiful and emotional anecdotes already. But eventually this is very much an open question, whether ResNet will indeed spread across the world, whether ResNet will actively be used and increase resilience of each participant. We will continuously refine the app until we reach our goals.
Why are there so many waiting rules?
ResNet would like to help you to slow down and focus on what really matters. We are living in a very fast-paced world with lots of distractions, where we are not used anymore to have to wait. This does have negative effects. So, enjoy the slow pace of ResNet, be mindful who you invite and focus on what matters on ResNet: the wellbeing of your friends and yourself.